PLM- product lifecycle management
As enterprises adopt digitalization as their business transformation strategy, they need to adopt a unified approach to deal with the whole process within the organization.Integrating these different processes into a set of digital approaches requires a broad-based infrastructure to support all areas of the customer enterprise.In addition to the basic Shared services framework, our digital innovation platform provides a wealth of applications that not only meet the needs of all areas of the customer enterprise, but also provide the necessary integration to create a holistic environment for digital innovation.
Standing in the manufacturing link, the future intelligent manufacturing needs to have three characteristics Intelligent product models: all professional product models, including mechanical, electrical, control, software, etc., will be simulated and validated early in the development phase Seamless integration of virtual and real worlds: validated product models are delivered downstream as a basis for procurement, manufacturing, quality testing, and service
Intelligent and self-organized production: intelligent products communicate with intelligent production systems to realize self-organized production
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